
Showing posts from January, 2011

Where Does The Time Go?

Wow! I can't believe that it is almost February already.   This month is flying by.  I think part of that is due to the fact that we have had 4 snow days in two weeks.   I love a good snow day as much as anyone, but after a while they just get a little old. My kids start to get bored quickly, and it is more work to keep them entertained than it would be to be working at school.  I'm glad that we have gotten back into the routine. On the bright side, I have had time to get some much needed organizing done around the house.  That is always a good thing! Here are some views of the lovely icicles hanging around our house.  I like the winter when the snow is pretty and new, but I am really ready for some warmer weather that is a little less cold and less slushy!

Snow Day

Today is a snow day for us.  I think that the teachers are more excited about snow days than the kids are.  Snow days mean a day of doing just what I want to do, without the pressure of a schedule.  So far I've spent the day cleaning, and trying to go through baskets of clothes and papers that have needed to be sorted through for quite a while.  I've also caught up on some TV shows I've missed.  Hopefully I will finally get to have a little bit of a cleaner house! Slowly but surely I will get rid of the clutter that has been building up around here.  Now if I could just convince my kids that they could pitch in and help...nope, that's never gonna happen!  I hope you enjoy your day, and whatever it may bring! PS...How do you spend your snow days, if you are so lucky to have them??

Off to a busy start!

The year has officially begun, and we are already back into our crazy busy schedule.  The kids have brought home permission slips for more activities to start next week.  I know that activities are good for them, and luckily two of them are on the same night in the same place, but sometimes all of these activities are time suckers!  We move from school to after school things, to a quick dinner, to homework and then bed.  Not a whole lot of time left over to do anything else.  I guess it makes our weekends that much more precious because they are our official "family time" days. At least until they are taken over by something else!

Back to the Old Routine

It's my last day of Christmas vacation, and I've been trying to squeeze every last minute of free time out.  I really need to start planning for the next week at school, but it has been so nice not having to grade or plan that I am just not in the mood.  I know it should be done, and I'll feel happier knowing that it is ready to go, but like a three year old my mind screams "I DON'T WANNA DO IT!"  Alas, I will have to break down and crack a book.  Routines are good and helpful.  I look forward to getting back to school and seeing the kids, but a small part of me has truly enjoyed being home and off schedule.  I miss being at home with my kids and taking care of my has been really nice to have a little bit of peace.  Tomorrow will bring more hustle and bustle as the kids' activities start back up and school resumes.  Oh well.  How many days until Spring Break?