Believe it or not...

Believe it or not, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  It has been a crazy busy few months, and I'm sorry this little blog has gotten a bit neglected.  School is wrapping up, and we only have 12.5 insane days left...everyone is to the "I'm way past done" stage of the school year, and nerves are getting mighty thin.  I'm hoping that the projects that we have planned for the next few days help to keep the roof on the building.

Life at home is just as crazy.  Three teens in one tiny house is not a great combo, and with everyone's end of the year schedules, it is becoming a bigger mad house.

Here is to summer break, lazier days, and working on projects that I choose, not that are chosen for me.  I'm ready to tackle some of the household chores which sadly get neglected during the school sorting through clothing.  Goodwill, look at...we are heading your way very soon!


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