SOL 3/16 Plugging Away

16 of 31 for the Slice of Life Challenge from Two Writing Teachers
Today is my 41st post for this blog.  When I started this a few years ago, I don't think I could have imagined where I am now.  Teaching again, Trying to get fit.  Juggling three teen/preteens and work and just life in general.  I know I couldn't have imagined that I would join a writing challenge that asked me to write everyday for a month.  I am sure that that Sarah would have just laughed, and said "Yeah, right!"  But here I am, on my 16th day of blogging consistently, writing my 41st post.  While I'm sure this achievement is a drop in the bucket for some, I am choosing to see this as a good starting point.  A place that I realized that I can write, even if my audience is pretty tiny.  I am making a start, and that is a pretty cool thing.


  1. You are starting. I remember last year when I joined the challenge, I felt so excited when I reached the 50th post. I hope you continue on Tuesdays after March is over. The connections I've made and the things I have learned from others has been valuable. Congratulations!

  2. Sarah,
    Your post about developing writer's stamina made me curious about how many posts I have published. I just looked it up and yesterday was my 153rd-most of which have been over the past year! I never would have thought I'd write that many either. Will you become a Tuesday slicer after the challenge is over?

  3. It's amazing how life can take us to these amazing and crzy places that we never envisioned for ourselves.... It's humbling as well, to let go and realize that as much as we like to think it, we really aren't in control of our own destiny,and we might as well let go and enjoy the ride!

    Congratulations to you on your 41st post ... Here's to 41 more!

  4. Bravo! It gets to be habit that you can't keep away from :)

  5. My blog audience is pretty tiny, too, but I've met some wonderful people!
    You're right about our dinner at the winery. The food, friends and atmosphere made it totally worth it, even if I didn't care for the drinks.

  6. I think I will stick with the Tuesday slicing. This has been a fantastic experience for me to remember that I am also a writer as well as a teacher. It has forced me to think and move outside my comfort zone.

  7. Sarah,
    This is a VERY cool thing. I'm glad you are writing with us.

  8. I am with you. It feels good to keep going and to look back at what you've done.

  9. So glad you are sharing your writing with all of us!

  10. Congratulations! Amazing how that one word, then one sentence, turns into one post, then into 41! Keep plugging away!


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