SOL 3/31 I Made It!

Wow!  I made it. Thirty-one days of writing on this little blog.  I am so proud of myself for finishing the Slice of Life challenge, hosted by Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers.  I don't think that I could have imagined that I would finish a month of blogging. A month of writing.  I have truly enjoyed this challenge.  I remember why I love writing.  I have been able to try new styles of writing.  I have also been able to read some really powerful posts from some really terrific writers.  I have learned more about the subject that I teach.  I have come across great ideas for my classroom.  I have laughed and cried with others from around the world.  Thirty-one days may be a short blip in time, but thirty-one days has helped me to become a stronger writer.  Thank you to all the people who have read and commented.  That has meant a great deal to me.  I have grown to love the community of writers who support and encourage one another. Thank you, Ruth and Stacey, for challenging us to step outside of our comfort zones and try this.  I look forward to continuing to write and learn and grow!


  1. I so so agree! It is a great experience! See you on Tuesdays!

  2. We have all learned anew the power of feedback.

  3. Sarah-
    I've done the SOL challenge for four or five years. Every year, when I get to the end of it, I always feel a mix of elation that I completed it and sadness that it's over. I've enjoyed reading your slices. Hopefully you will continue on Tuesdays?

  4. When I started it, I didn't think that these 31 days would go by as quickly as they did! However, it is over and I, too, am so happy to have been part of this community.

  5. It's a great feeling of accomplishment, isn't it? I think of this as the start of my writing year. Now on to Tuesdays!

  6. It has been a great month! I'm glad I took part and am looking forward to continuing on Tuesdays.

  7. I LOVE that this challenge helped you remember why you love writing. What a joy that was to read!

  8. Yes we did - we made it - see you on Tuesday - we will have lots of catching up to do!

  9. Congratulations! Let's meet again on Tuesdays!


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